Prestons Health Clinic Terms and Conditions: Oundle Sports Centre:

Community Appointments 

Updated April 2023

Prestons Physiotherapy Limited is a registered company in England and Wales, Registration No 4664144


The registered address is Ruthlyn House, 90 Lincoln Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 2SP.

Prestons Physiotherapy Ltd (trading as Prestons Health) provides Physiotherapy and Sports Massage Therapy rehabilitation services within the independent health sector. Appointment sessions and classes are performed by qualified, registered and insured therapists. Prestons Health associate physiotherapists are fully qualified to become registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the regulatory body of the profession.

Our private healthcare clinic at Oundle Sports Centre is based within the Health and Wellbeing Suite and is run in association with but independently of Oundle School.



When an appointment is scheduled, this allotted period of time is held exclusively for the patient. Our clinic hours at Oundle School sports centre are very limited.  We therefore require 48 hours’ notice to re-schedule or cancel appointments to avoid incurring a cancellation fee up to the full cost of the booked appointment. Reminder texts/emails are sent to reduce the chance of you missing your appointment.

All missed appointments will be charged full fee for.



All Prestons Health appointments at Oundle School Sports Centre need to be pre paid prior to the appointment. 

If you are booking via the website, you will be asked to pre pay using our Stripe link on the website and will not be able to book without pre payment. 

If you are booking over the phone, we recommend calling us between 8.15-1.15pm Monday to Friday, to speak to our reception team and pre pay over the phone on booking. If you call at other times, we will be able to book your appointment but will ask for pre payment using an email link that will be sent with an invoice separately.   We reserve the right to cancel your appointment if you have not paid for your appointment within 48 hours of the date of your appointment.



Regretfully, due to a number of complex reasons, we are unable to bill Private Medical Insurers or external 3rd parties at Oundle School Sports Centre.  At Oundle School sports centre we are exclusively a pre-pay clinic. 

We are able to give you electronic receipts on the payment of your invoice for treatment that you can use to claim back from certain insurers. Please check with your insurer before you attend for treatment to check if you are able to claim back. Certain insurers do NOT allow this (including AXA PPP and BUPA) so please do check to avoid disappointment.

If you wish to have your physiotherapy treatment billed directly to your private medical insurance (eg AXA PPP, BUPA, AVIVA, WPA), please book in for your physiotherapy appointment at our clinic at David Lloyd Club in Peterborough NOT Oundle School Sports Centre. 

We are unable to make exceptions for any cases in this matter.



The information contained on this website is intended for general information purposes only and to inform the reader of Prestons Health services. Whilst Prestons Health has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of the website are accurate in all material respects, it is not intended to be comprehensive or to constitute professional medical advice. Users should contact Prestons Health directly for advice concerning specific matters. Prestons Health accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information contained on this website. Parts of the website may link to external internet sites and therefore Prestons Health is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.



All data will be handled as per our Privacy Policy available on our website.

Prestons Health operates in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Your medical records will be stored electronically and accessed by authorised personnel only. Disclosures may be made to health professionals, including your GP and certain third parties that need access to them to provide health care services to you (for example, imaging services).



General enquiries can be made by telephone (01733-565911) or email to  You can also contact us via our website enquiry form however you agree to make only genuine enquiries for you or for other persons for whom you are authorised to act.



Prestons Health takes all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. Personal information may be transmitted to your email address unless you request differently. Whilst Prestons Health makes every effort to ensure its internet infrastructure is secure, email can be unsafe, and Prestons Health take no responsibility for transmitting data electronically. If you currently receive our newsletter information and wish to cancel, then please email us.



our locations

Our main clinic location is within David Lloyd Club in Thorpe Wood, Peterborough with a satellite clinic in Oundle School.
Please contact us at 01733 565911 for more information on our clinic times & locations.

David Lloyd Club

Thorpe Wood Business Park,

Oundle School


get in touch

01733 565911


Opening Hours

Monday : 8.15 - 8.30pm
Tuesday : 8.15 - 6pm
Wednesday : 8.15 - 8pm
Thursday : 8.15 - 6pm
Friday : 8.15 - 6pm


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