Sports and Remedial massage acts as the perfect complement to our Physiotherapy treatments.

Prestons Health is the perfect place to get a massage in Peterborough, for all your aches and pains.

Our Sports and Massage Practitioners perform targeted and effective soft tissue techniques and work closely with our Chartered Physiotherapists and other members of the team.

Sports and Remedial Massage therapy is particularly useful to athletes and sports people during training, competition and injury aiding recovery, helping in the prevention of injuries and being heavily involved in prehabilitiation.

However, it is not exclusively for sports people. So many other people also benefit from its effects. Postural problems such as tight muscles occur across the population and many of our patients find it helps them cope with the demands of modern life.

Our Sports Massage Practitioners are all members of the Sports Massage Association and are fully insured.


An essential guide to sports massage for runners

In an interview with Women’s Running, Helen explains the benefits of sports massage for runners.

The main benefits we hear from clients are improved muscular recovery, muscles feeling looser before and after an event and it helping runners to reduce and recover from minor muscular pains and strains.

It’s not just about the physical benefits that sport massage offers to runners, there are emotional benefits too. It can help your overall feeling of wellbeing, as it offers time to relax and let go.

Read the full article here. 

Massage peterborough
Peterborough massage
Massage in peterborough

our locations

Our main clinic location is within David Lloyd Club in Thorpe Wood, Peterborough with a satellite clinic in Oundle School (students and staff only). Please contact us on 01733 565911 for more information on our clinic times & locations.

David Lloyd Club

Prestons Health,
Within David Lloyd Club,
Thorpe Wood Business Park,
Peterborough PE3 6SR

Oundle School

Prestons Health,
Health and Well-being Suite,
Within Oundle School Sports Centre,
Milton Road,
Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4AB

Please contact our main site for appointments and further information.

get in touch

01733 565911


Opening Hours

Monday : 8.15 - 8.30pm
Tuesday : 8.15 - 6pm
Wednesday : 8.15 - 8pm
Thursday : 8.15 - 6pm
Friday : 8.15 - 6pm


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